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Just Chill Out - Three Things to Expect

From: Sylvia T.
Sent on: Thursday, March 13, 2014, 10:54 PM

Dear member

As you may have already know, the Just Chill Out (JCO) team went through a series of changes to make this a better group for all.

We reached out and we listened.

The JCO group is a place for members who prefer not to chill out alone and the essence of JCO is for members to relax, chill out and be themselves at any occasions.

Hence the three things you can expect from us as a member are;

1. A friendly and approachable host at all our events.

2. Nice atmosphere and ambience for members to be themselves and interact freely.

3. Members can suggest or host any events.

Come on, don't be shy. Scroll though our events and RSVP now!


The Just Chill Out Committee

Christopher, Daryl, Patricia, Raymond & Sylvia

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