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Dec 13: The Marriage of Sense and Soul

From: Karl H.
Sent on: Saturday, November 20, 2010, 12:29 PM
Hi all,

As some of you already know (if you've attended recent Meetup events), our December study event will be on Wilber's book, The Marriage of Sense and Soul.? It addresses the issue of integrating science and religion in ways that include the important insights of both. ?At the Meetup, we'll first look to harvest the key concepts from the book, and then explore our personal relationships with the core elements of science and religion through small group conversations.

As always, it is helpful to read Wilber and experience his ideas directly. ?At the same time, we'll try to organize the evening in a way that makes it accessible to those who haven't read the book or have only had a chance to read part of it. ?(If you do only have time for a little bit, I recommend chapters 1, 2, and 4.)

I purchased 8 copies of the book to distribute to Meetup members, which were all snatched up rather quickly.? Inexpensive used and new copies of the book are available from Amazon -- you can get a used copy for $4-5 including shipping.

Date:???????? Dec 13, 6:30pm
Location:??? Vie de France
Cost:???????? $5

If you plan to attend, please RSVP on the Meetup site!

Looking forward to studying Wilber with y'all,

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