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Occupy Integral Community Call

From: DC Integral E.
Sent on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 3:01 AM

Dear Integral Community Member,

Just a quick reminder that our monthly international Integral Community Call is tomorrow
Saturday (July 14th) at 9am US Pacific Time / 12 Noon US Eastern Time.
These are totally free and open to the public.  (Click here to see other time zones)

If your schedule permits, please join us for tomorrow's call!

Join beloved teacher Terry Patten, the author of the article Occupy Integral, discuss 

how we can kickstart this integral movement.  


We will be asking and discussing the following questions:

  • How are you personally balancing your inner work with the call to do effective outer work? 
  • What are your civic responsibilities right now?
  • To what degree can (or should) the integral community become a movement?
  • What's in the way? What would that require of us, personally and collectively? 
  • How does your own impulse to lead express itself now?

Terry Patten is a passionate Integral coach, teacher, trainer,
consultant, and writer and is a leading voice in the emerging
fields of integral evolutionary leadership and spirituality. 
He worked with Ken Wilber's core team at Integral Institute
to develop Integral Life Practice, which distills ancient and
modern practices into an intelligent contemporary
transformational lifestyle. 


If this is your first time to join these monthly calls, you can obtain dial in #
at the link below. If you've previously attended, you can use the same dial in
as the last call you attended. (Details are on the page linked below.)

Hope to see you on the call tomorrow.

Integrally yours,
Brett Thomas

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