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Aug Meetup - Downtown Lansing!

From: Mark C.
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2012, 10:09 PM

Downtown Lansing!!

I haven't heard any ideas from anyone this month so I am making a call here. Let's go to Downtown Lansing and do some urban/architectural stuff. This has been mentioned before. There are a lot of interesting buildings and urbanscapes downtown that are fun to shoot. Most of us forget what a cool, albeit small, downtown we have here in Lansing. We can learn about shooting architecture and capturing the feel of the city.

Let's meet either inside or outside of the Grand Traverse Pie Company at our usual 6:30. (if you don't see anyone outside, poke your head in the door and look around) They have really decent food there if you want to come early and have some informal socializing. (I personally love their chicken/steak pot pies!)  I will be there around 5:30 assuming others will as well. Send me a personal email to [address removed] if you care to join me for dinner.

Don't forget to RSVP! OR if you HAVE TO, just show up. You will be welcomed.

Mark Chamberlin

Meetup Location: 
Grand Traverse Pie Company - See meetup site for details and RSVP.