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Writing Conference right here in Vegas! Register now and save $50

From: Tami C.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 5:11 AM

The Fiction Writing in the Digital Age conference will take place October 11-12 at the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas. It will be a fantastic conference with info for writers at all stages in their careers. Focus is on both writing the best stories possible, as well as the different avenues for publication, including traditional print publication, epublishing with royalty paying publishers, or making a go of publishing on your own. Editors from both New York houses and small presses will hear pitches, as will agents. There will be successful authors from virtually every commercial genre, and every publishing format. Sign up now to save $50 off the registration price.

Plus, on Friday evening, there will be a mass “Atomic Booksigning” at Atomic Liquors, a downtown Vegas watering hole!

See for all details. 

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