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book polls, film festival

From: Julie
Sent on: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 7:11 PM
I closed the poll for November's book. We'll be reading "Naked in the Promised Land" by Lillian Faderman. Elliot Bay should have copies in for us before the October meeting, so anyone who wants can walk over afterwards and pick up a copy.
The runner up was "Annie On My Mind" by Nancy Garden, so I'll put it on December's poll. I expect to make that poll next weekend, so please email me book suggestions this week. We forgot to collect suggestions at the end of yesterday's discussion.

People wanted information about the Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. It's held from October 15-24 this year. I expect the schedule of the films to be public the last week of this month.

We'll be volunteering as a group at one film (taking tickets, handing out ballots, etc.) and attending another film as a group. We did it last year, and it was a lot of fun. Every time you volunteer at a film (or volunteer at a mailing party or whatnot in the lead-up to the festival), you get a coupon that can be exchanged for a ticket to almost any film festival film. For anyone who wants to volunteer more than just with us, the volunteer orientation will be on Sunday 9/26, from 1-2:30 PM at the Northwest Film Forum (around the corner from the Wild Rose). There's more information about volunteering at Jill is in charge of our festival participation this year, because I can't guarantee attendance at anything until the election is over. That said, I've been a member of the volunteer staff for six years now, and I work with Three Dollar Bill Cinema (the great organization behind the festival) year round, so feel free to email me with questions about volunteering and/or the festival itself. I also highly recommend becoming a member of Three Dollar Bill Cinema. You get discounts at the festival, you get though the lines faster, and you get cool stuff year round too.
