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Seattle Film Festival Details - Volunteering / Film Watching

From: Jill M
Sent on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 10:26 PM
Hi All -
Here are some updated details. We are volunteering for Fish Child at the Pacific Place. We need to get there by 6:30. This is a gala film, which means there's a party after and volunteers are welcome to head down to the gala festivities at the Il Fornaio Bakery Cafe when our shift is over.
A snapshot of the guidelines for volunteers - dress nicely (if you where jeans, make sure they aren't ripped) and be sober (don't consume drugs or alcohol before the shift). When Kevin finishes uploading all our info, we'll have passwords and access to the volunteer manually.
If you were not at book club on Saturday, but want to volunteer, please email the volunteer coordinator Kevin, with your email and phone number. [address removed].

  • 10/16 Four Faced Liar - 7:30 at the Egyptian - plan to meet at the Rose at 6:00 and then head down together.
  • 10/22 - Our Volunteer Movie - Fish Child - Pacific Place, arrive by 6:30
  • 10/23 Saturgay Morning Cartoons at noon; and then Eloise's Lover at 2pm - Meet at the Central Cinema
  • 10/24 Diary of Anne Lister- 6:30 at Pacific Place - plan to meet at the Mecico at Pacific Place

P.S. If you want to come to any of these and want a contact, email me individually and I'll give you my number.

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