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Re: [londonbi] Third year anniversary!

From: nickie{D}
Sent on: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 5:58 PM
Don't forget, 23rd September is International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, too!

See for information and for some interesting history from one of the founders of the Day explaining why it was called what it was and not Bi Pride or Bi Visibility Day ...

Probably won't make it, but hope all who do have a great time celebrating their bisexuality in the company of others so inclined.


On 12/09/[masked]:45, John G wrote:
Hi all,

Our London social bisexuals group has now been running for 3 years! Can you believe it? The first ever meet was on 27 September 2007 (founded on 3rd). With the membership growing faster than ever (particularly after BiCon and Pride events this year!), those first few meets that often struggled to get 5 people in one place at the same time are a distant memory. I've been running the group for most of that time now, but huge thanks to Matt (the original organiser and group creator) for setting it up and fostering it for the first year or so. I'm proud to say I've kept the group growing, welcoming, friendly, and active since then.

It would be lovely to see more of you, members both older and newer - particularly anyone who was at some of the early meets and hasn't been in a while, at this month's pub social meet in the O Bar on September 23rd (the fourth Thursday again, just like usual, on Thursday-week) to celebrate our 3rd birthday.
(link: London Bisexuals Monthly Pub Social)

We've also got a Greenwich park meet coming up next Sunday afternoon that I'm sure you've seen emails about, if you can't make the Thursday but still fancy checking us out again.

Note: email replies go to everyone on the mailing list (if you want to write to me direct, visit the site and email me from my profile link on the left hand side as the organiser)!

John G.
(Group organiser)
PS so who discovered us and joined via BiCon or our flyers there (pps:were any left, were they binned? I spent a little getting good copies for some of them)

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To learn more about John G, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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