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New Meetup: Restaurant Meetup: Back to Lao Difang

From: steve
Sent on: Sunday, November 21, 2010, 11:06 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Mandarin Learners!

What: Restaurant Meetup: Back to Lao Difang

When: Wednesday, December 1,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Lao Difang (My Old Place)
88 Middlesex Street,

Back to Lao Difang. We haven't been there since May as a Meetup Group. However, myself and Dave returned there recently, the raw potato noodles are as good as ever, the jellyfish and cucumber continues to delight - and all kinds of sichuan style comestibles are purveyed - causing deep pleasure in all who eat them. Lao Difang incidentially is also a location where they did cook Chicken in Coca Cola for us once - which is in fact, much better than it sounds.

Anyway, we are there again at 7.00 on the 1st December. The service as ever is a bit haphazard, but the food is outrageously good for the price. Its almost certain that you won't pay more than 15 quid here.

Hopefully see many of you there.

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