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What we’re about

We're a group of London-based expat Swedes; ancestral Swedes; Swedish learners; lapsed fluent speakers; boyfriends/girlfriends of Swedes; and Swedophiles who reguarly meet up in stylish Scandinavian cafes for some London-style fika. We also go to gigs, have film nights, run informal language classes and have a monthly meetup at the Nordic Bar with our Nordic brethern (Danes, Norwegians, Finns etc).


I don't speak (much) Swedish. Can I still come along?

Of course! Unless specifically started, our meetups welcome everyone regardless of your language level. There is always a mix of abilities so you can find someone to suit you.

How will I find you when I arrive?

It varies from meetup to meetup, but you're best bet is to get in contact with the organiser BEFORE the event and they'll help you out and know to look out for you on the day.

Can you organise a meetup for ...?

You're always welcome to ask but generally the organisers are already busy with the meetups they've already planned, BUT if you want to see a meetup happen then you are welcome to organise and host and we can help out to make sure it's a success.

Do the meetups cost money to attend?

The vast majority of meetups are free but running a meetup group does cost money so we ask that you make a donation to ensure the group continues. There's a donate link to pay through paypal on the website or you can donate in person to James Brodie at a meetup.

Can my business/event sponsor the Meetup?

Absolutely! Get in touch with the organiser, James.

Upcoming events (1)

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