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Free stuff!

From: Roseann
Sent on: Monday, May 26, 2014, 2:13 PM
Hello all, Sorry I've missed you at the group lately, I have been working on saturdays and most weeknights.  I'm emailing you today to see if anyone is interested in some knitting machines/parts.

I have a Brother KR 580, standard gauge ribber, and a Toyota KS 650, bulky gauge knitting machine.  I have never tried using the ribber, I don't know if it is missing parts or not. The KS 650 is missing the sinker plate for the carriage, I've never had it, so I've never used it either. It may be missing more parts. I can't be sure. I believe that Adrienne told me this machine is the same as the studio 150 and another model, so if someone has a different bulky machine, the same carriage will probably work. 

I also have some other random parts that I'm not using, would like to de-clutter and give it all to a good home. :)  I have a brand new garter bar kit thingy, never used it, but might hang onto it since I hear it is useful. Could be easily talked out of it too.

Let me know if you want it, I'm in mountain view, and would like someone to come carry it away.


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