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Nov. 29th Benefit - need one more volunteer for ADA needs...

From: Lezlie K.
Sent on: Monday, November 26, 2012, 9:48 PM
Hi everyone, While I/we hate to bother you with *one more thing*: As it turns out, we need a volunteer to do ADA (disability assistance) - there is a comp for this person (although he or she will be busy).  One of the musicians is blind (Liz), and one guest is in a wheelchair & will need assistance entering/exiting the venue & being seated.
The space is not friendly to our animal companions, which means Liz may need more assistance than she usually needs.  (Her dog can stay in the garden - it's a very friendly place.) Another blind person may also come, but she will probably come with a companion.  If anyone knows someone who could do this task? (There is nothing else he or she should be doing throughout the evening.)  There is always the possibility that someone with needs will also arrive who did not let us know in advance... He or she will need to be on site and available from 6:30 when the "the crew" arrives until approximately 10:30 or 11PM when we leave after cleaning up the venue, and have his or her own transportation arranged for (there is free parking in the adjacent lot after 4PM) .  Thanks, Lezlie


Lezlie Kinyon, Ph.D., 
Faculty, Cherry Hill Seminary, Pastoral Counseling Dept.
Editor: Coreopsis, A Journal of Myth and Theatre

Labyrinth Circe
Dedicated to Sacred Performance

Soon, oh soon the time
All we move to gain will reach and calm
Our heart is open
Our reason to be here

( Jon Anderson )