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New Meetup: Make:SF June 8th @ reMake Lounge

From: Malcolm K.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 9:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Make:SF - the Bay Makers!

What: Make:SF June 8th @ reMake Lounge

When: Tuesday, June 8,[masked]:30 PM

reMake lounge
50 Post St Suite 9 Crocker Galleria (near Sutter St)
San Francisco , CA 94104

Hello Makers,

Maker Faire is over (boo!) but Make:SF continues (yay!). We want to see all the stuff you did not bring to Maker Faire and of course anything new you all have made. Also if you are in the middle of a project bring it in and get feedback on it. We have a whole bunch of people who can help troubleshoot any issue you have.

After project demos we will have Michael Ang speak about his techno-art projects. You can check out his wiki to see some of the cool stuff he has done.

Finally we have this months mini-project where we will be making TV-B-Gones. This device can make any TV switch off which I am sure you can find uses for. The kits will be $30 dollars for non-members and $10 dollars for members.

This fun-for-all-ages event starts at 6:30pm. Children under 14 need to be accompanied by an adult.

New to Make:SF. Here is what you can do:
- New to making? Come and explore with a fun mini-project.
- Have an idea? Come and we will help you get started making it.
- Making something? Come and demo it. Get feedback and network with the Makers.
- Come to see the speakers we bring in talk about their projects, tools you can use, etc.

Learn more here: