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Re: [meditation-703] Robina Courtin Video

From: Ralph
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 9:14 AM
Thank you for sharing this Tom. The timing of it is uncanny. Proof positive that when the mind is open and we are mindful we receive what we need when we need it.
----- Original Message -----
From: TomC
Sent: Wednesday, September 08,[masked]:53 AM
Subject: [meditation-703] Robina Courtin Video

For those who were at our last meetup (and also to those who missed it), we listened to Robina Courtin talk about mindfulness in her own unique style. For those of you more visually inclined, here's a link to a google "tech talk" in which Robina Courtin tells us how to be our own therapist.

I hope you enjoy this, and intend to send more good links and resources in the days and weeks ahead.

Here's to a mindful and joyful day!

TomC, Organizer
Portland Mindfulness Meetup Group

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