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Day Camp 4 Developers: Modern PHP

From: Ben R.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 10:00 AM
The next Day Camp 4 Developers is coming up on April 22, 2016. This time around, the topic is Modern PHP.

Remember when all you had to to do is shoehorn some PHP into your HTML page, rename it .php and you had a dynamic web page? Those days are long gone. These days PHP is a sophisticated language and is the basis for many of the largest websites. These days PHP developers can create advanced applications on top of PHP. Applications that run fast and are horizontally scalable.

If you still think that PHP  global  and mysql_real_escape_string, you need to take another look. Join us for Day Camp 4 Developers: Modern PHP.

For more details and to register, go to