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scheduled Web Dev/Designers Meet up for next week

From: Leah
Sent on: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 12:10 PM
Hi Group-
This will be a small group meeting to just share information, tips and tricks etc.

One idea in the works is to bring a list of you 3 favorite/ least favorite sites and then we could do critiques
on design- ease of use etc.

If you are new to this group, please Join us we want to meet you!

Also if you will be joining us please, please, please use the RSVP function on this site.
This is super helpful because I like to prepare and print out a participant list ahead of time with everyone's brief bio, areas of experience or interest, and links to current work (if applicable) this helps us facilitate discussion etc. So if this info is not in your profile just email me.

Location is variable- this has worked in past- open to suggestions- I am going to look into
the back room library at see if they have wireless.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Leah Masci