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Co-working space forming in the Valley. Please fill out our survey if this interests you..

From: Lisa H.
Sent on: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 5:12 PM
Are you a self-employed and working from home? Are you tired of choosing between confiding your work troubles to the family pet, or running your business from the local cafe? There is a group forming in Northampton who are planning to create a co-working space in this area. They have created an online survey to get feedback from people who might be interested in participating in such a space. The rough idea is to have a main open work area which could be subscribed to on a monthly basis, or by a drop in day rate, or the possibility of reserving a dedicated desk in the space for a larger monthly rent. There would be a fast wireless connection, perhaps a shared copy/fax machine, breakroom etc.
We are currently seeking input about how best to organize the space and where to locate it. If you are interested, please consider logging in and replying to our online survey at, and offering your ideas about how the space might be organized, and add your name to the mailing list to be kept informed about our progress.