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New Meetup: New group on Consciousness --"The Hard Problem"

From: Guy H.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 4:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Intelligent Conversation Meetup!

What: New group on Consciousness --"The Hard Problem"

When: January 8,[masked]:30 PM

The 618 Center
618 City Park Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119

My friend Todd and I share an interest in the study of what is commonly
called the "hard problem" of consciousness. How can the brain produces the
mind -- and does it really? -- is probably the last great mystery of

Anyway, Todd and I have been doing a lot of reading and some video watching
on the topic. This past year we met regularly over coffee to discuss the big
picture and particular areas of interest and favorite researchers. Now we
want to open the discussion to others. The only requirement is a commitment
to read some fairly scholarly but still engaging material. This is a
sophisticated topic and it
won't be fair for those group members who did their study to be exposed to the
unimformed opinions of those who did not prepare. (I'm sure we've all
had to suffer that situation in one setting or another.)

Of course this is a secular discussion. New Agers and those much into
Metaphysical Studies are not automatically excluded but the literature is
different and the focus will not be on "higher consciousness" or
quantum physics.

Todd and I will be group organizers for the time being and we'll set the
group rules overtime -- all in a fairly democratic fashion.

If you are still not quite sure WHAT this group is about and WHETHER
it is for you,
I trust that you can be a bit of reserach online. Or feel free either
Todd or me. At this point we are limiting the field of writers to
scientists and philosophers -- as to finding solid common ground but
also allow for a great variety of perspectives.

Tood and I will hold our first informal meeting this Friday evening,
the 8th at 7:30. (Doors
open at 7.) The location is The 618 Center at 618 City Park Ave.
(Across the street from Delgado College.) Bring your ideas and
expectations. Your books. Your friends.

It'll take two or three meetings for the group to gel. You feedback is
valued. If this is of no interest to you, I can promptly remove you from the
email list. If this first meeting is not convenient for you but this
is of interest to you please get involved in the scheduling of our
further meetings.

Todd and I have started a group online called "The Science
of Consciousness". Before long, it'll be our main mode of
communication. Meetup groups come with their own sets of restraints
and possibilities. I hope you are/will grow comfortable with that.

We are also working on networking with local universities in order to
get some students and faculty members to get involved with this
project. This seems very important to us. If you can/are willing to
help in that department, that'd be super.

Voila! Thank you for reading me. Conscioustiously. LOL!
What do YOU say?

Hope to see some of you this Friday. It'll be a brainy but fun bunch
:)) . Bring some brain food and smart drinks!

Mindfully Yours,

Guy Henoumont
1 - 504 -[masked]

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