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Ready for investors

From: mac s.
Sent on: Sunday, December 2, 2012, 8:49 PM
Hey everyone, my startup idea for my social network I been working on is finish. My startup has new features no other website has and is dependable as the others. I pitch the idea to friends and I receive positive reviews and high expectations from them.
 I'm a creative thinker and a trend setter I hate doing things people are doing or have done. So new ideas and techniques will be done for my site. For example when my site is being program I will be getting people ready for its launch with block partys,college touring and other activities that will get people talking about the site before its launch. Become a noticeable figure to the public and make a good story that people will talk about.
My startup is fixing several problems the biggest one is giving users more to do then write status and tweets and  help them have a more organize day.18 percent of time online is spent on social media, I'm making sure that time spend will be more enjoyable and on my site
I am now beginning to look for investors to pitch my startup to. What advice and suggestions you have for me and if you are a investor let's schedule a meeting I'm a cool guy.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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