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Re: [newtech-1] Protocol for job posts

From: Michael M.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 3:39 PM
Maybe a weekly digest?  Create a Google doc and mail it out once a week?   People get removed every week and have to resubmit  

The other problem is that people always respond to the group with their résumé, as is happening in another group where it was posted. 


On Feb 20, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Klaus Sonnenleiter <[address removed]> wrote:

I think last time this topic came up, there was wide disagreement on the correct policy to adopt. I don't expect this discussion to come to a different conclusion despite Sai's well-intended effort. My opinion has been stated in the past, but just like everybody else, I'll re-iterate: I don't mind seeing job posts on the list as long as their are on topic (software developers, architects, CTOs, co-founders, testers yes; lawnmower operators, taxi drivers, dentists, brain surgeons no thank you). Even though I'm not looking for a job, I can definitely see how job posts are useful to others and I may have jobs to offer myself in the near future. I think both Tony's approach ("as long as we know you and you're not just dumping lots of spam without warning") and Sai's approach ("mark it as NYTM_job and we can ignore or look as we see fit") would work perfectly fine to keep the rest of us from having to manually clean our inboxes. We all know how to work the mail filters - this is the NYTECH list after all, right? :-)

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