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Re: [newtech-1] TechCrunch interview with Paddle8 co-founder

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, April 4, 2013, 5:02 PM
Funny, these guys reached out to me the other day for a job op.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 4:05 PM, EddieN <[address removed]> wrote:
The most interesting part of this interview:

"This video would be valuable to anyone building an online marketplace, and Julka poses hard questions for these entrepreneurs — namely, to investigate any marketplace idea by asking “Why haven’t Amazon or eBay tried to go after this market?” The answer to that question, Julka believes, will help guide a startup to focus on being truly unique."

A very salient point.



Loving Day on, in TIME Magazine, on, an
d on facebook!

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. -- Bill Gates

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