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Re: [newtech-1] time to build apps for Android?

From: Miles R.
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 10:53 AM
i think you should have been buiding apps for android ASAP, being an early expert has many advantages.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Carmen Delessio <[address removed]> wrote:
?Is it time to start building Android apps? Yes, absolutely.

Why? Because as an individual developer or small company you have a chance to get noticed in the Android Market.
- Facebook Application market - totally saturated.? Good for? Zynga.
- IPhone - 60,000+ apps and growing.? Much more difficult for developers to have an impact when it hit 25,000.?
- Android 5,000 apps and growing.

I think we can separate the question of? whether Android will beat iPhone or not from the business and technical question of is it time to start building Android apps.? Look at this another way, if you have a killer idea for a mobile app, which platform is best for launch? How about getting users and good reviews on Android and *then* launch on iPhone.?

I have a small Amazon Cloud app on Android(niche developer audience and proof of concept. ) and I'm working on some others that tie Facebook and Android.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Andrew <[address removed]> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Mark Nyon <[address removed]> wrote:
Android doesn't have to go after iPhone users, unless you limit your perspective to the US. If they can convert a substantial portion of Nokia users worldwide, then they'll outpace the iPhone in the long run.

There are still more Blackberry users than iPhone users as of q4 2008.

But what does Blackberry have to do with iPhone vs. Android app success? Sure, Blackberries sell some phone apps ... so does WinMo -- maybe even more than BB. But in the app market, iPhone is the only benchmark -- the only standout success. So yes, it IS competing directly with the iPhone in the app space, from the perspective of Dean's question.

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