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Re: [newtech-1] The "No More IE6" movement

From: Victor S.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 2:36 PM
Yes, IE6 is here to stay in corp\gov environments. My conservative prediction 3-5 ?more years.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <[address removed]> wrote:

It's not done with, and likely won't ever be. ?Despite us all hoping it goes.

The problem isn't with end-users, it's with institutional installs.

Corporations can't migrate up because:
? ? ? ?- their tech is locked down for security , so that end-users can't install software -- only IT can
? ? ? ?- ie7 requires XP SP2 or later. ?institutions would either have to upgrade their OS or install SP2 ( see above )

Ideally, someone would make a verison of ie7 or 8 that installs onto Win98 and later -- and uses some weird security backdoor or exploit to allow it to install even when it shouldn't.

Barring that, I think we're stuck with ie6 for a while.

BTW, while numbers show certain global percentages for ie6... what really matters is your market. ?I've consulted on plenty of projects this year where 15-23% of visitors ran IE6. ?Telling someone that you should cut your market opp or ad revenue by 20% for a philosophy doesn;t make sense... and 20% of your yearly gross is WAAAAY more than the cost of funding ie6 compat.

On Aug 5, 2009, at 12:37 AM, Michael Mellinger wrote:

Maybe it won't take years to finish it off?

Sent from my iPhone

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