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Tomorrow! Gotham Entrepreneurs Launch + Tequila Tasting!

From: Gordon P.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 10:54 AM
Hi All, I hope you'll join us at the NYC launch of our series and entrepreneurs network (and tequila tasting) at WeWork@ 23rd and Park Avenue South. Please use the "MeetUp" code for $25 tix.

Hope to see you there! 

Here's the link:

JULY 16, 2015  |  6:30 PM - 9:00 PM​
Includes a Tequila Tasting​
Please join Gotham Media as we launch our newGotham Entrepreneurs series.The programs and networking gatherings will explore issues and topics of special interest and importance to entrepreneurs, investors and execs at small and mid-sized companies.

This first panel will focus on just what's needed to take your business to the next level. From legal issues to funding and marketing, start your checklist with Gotham Entrepreneurs and find out the inside story from people who have been there.
LOCATION ​  |  WeWork
120 East 23rd Street (Just off Park Avenue South)

Registration is $40 (Use code: "GothamFriends" for 20% off)
Jan Mercer Dahms 
Early-stage growth consultancy advisor, brand experience management and client relations consultant; Founder, 6-Figures.
Jason Klein 
Founder and CEO, OnGrid Ventures; Chairman, Harvard Business School Alumni Angels of NY
Roman Fichman
Principal, @TheLegalist, Business and Technology Law
Robert Refkin 
Founder and CEO, Compass; Fmr Chief of Staff to the President & COO, Goldman Sachs.​
Amina Yamusah
Founder and CEO, BLOC
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Hope to see you tomorrow!
Gordon Platt

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