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Fw: Thought your members would be interested!

From: Sean
Sent on: Monday, April 27, 2009, 4:46 PM

--- On Sun, 4/26/09, Carolyn <[address removed]> wrote:
From: Carolyn
Subject: Thought your members would be interested!
Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 10:41 PM

What Carolyn wrote:

Would love to offer a special invitation to your members for a
day out to the North Fork.

It's a trip out to a sustainable farm out on the North Fork of
Long Island (wine country). This trip (all of my trips) is all
about the locavore movement and how we can learn more about
it! - since you are all about permaculture I'm sure your
members would be interested in the sustainable practices of the

The Day includes:
a private tour of the farm - learn about what it means to be
sustainable, how does a farm work, why does it effect the

learn how to harvest snap peas and asparagus

enjoy a gorgeous meal on the farm with fresh organic bread,
greens from the farm, and other products sold at the farm;
enjoy wine from a neighboring vineyard

have a fabulous day in the North Fork.

The day is $45 which includes: lunch, tour, hands-on lessons,
and access to farm

The tour is part of a company I own called Food For Thought
Tours - we give New Yorkers access to people and places with
buy local ethics and arrange events, day trips, dinner parties,
tastings, etc that support local communities and create an
amazing sense of community among new yorkers. It's a fabulous
way for others to meet each other in a new and unique setting
and have a lot of fun - with a green twist.

Hope to hear from you!


Carolyn Centeno

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