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Fwd: BK Farmyards could use your help!

From: Natalie
Sent on: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 8:11 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natalie A. <[address removed]>
Date: Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: BK Farmyards could use your help!
To: Beverley <[address removed]>, Tasting Awareness <[address removed]>, [address removed], Kristen <[address removed]>


Could your garden or farm take these hives?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stacey Murphy <[address removed]>
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 8:25 PM
Subject: BK Farmyards could use your help!
To: Stacey Murphy <[address removed]>

It's spring. We have some exciting new projects.

We have some homeless honeybees. Would you or someone you know like to host our two beehives? We would like a? space that we can do community workshops, so a community garden or a cafe with a courtyard, etc are preferred to remote and hard to get to locations. They arrive this Sunday, so we need to know ASAP. Don't make these honeybees ride the subway around in circles all day long...they need a good home! Let me know if you are interested and I can tell you all the requirements for bees.

Come to our volunteer Saturdays at the High School for Public Service. Due to popularity with the students, we are now holding volunteer hours from 10am-4pm every Saturday. Come for a little while or stay the whole day. We have a good time farming, playing games, building compost bins, etc.

We have a couple slots left in our Egg CSA in Crown Heights. Because a lot of people have asked, we now offer a half share option. We think the last couple slots will go fast with the half share, so act now!

Happy Earth Day!
Stacey Murphy
Contact Me FacebookTwitter


Tasting Awareness is now dedicated to teaching people healthy food preparation based on affordable, available ingredients. It empowers people to redesign their communities to support a food culture based on sustainable, local ingredients.

Taste is where the awareness begins that healthy change can be good and thoroughly pleasing.
The steps you make to take control of your diet re-introduces you as a participant in nature's renewable cycles with a more sustainable pattern of food consumption that will save you money.
The practices of healthy food preparation and consumption benefit from being done in community.
Communities need to self-determine to create new social structures to support health.
Communities that take back their health are newly empowered.

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