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New Meetup: Full Moon Group VortexHealing Transmission w/ Geordie Numata & Roxana Alonso

From: Geordie N.
Sent on: Monday, April 19, 2010, 3:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for NYC Reiki Meetup!

What: Full Moon Group VortexHealing Transmission w/ Geordie Numata & Roxana Alonso

When: Tuesday, April 27,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $30.00 per person

Madison Wellness Center
171 Madison Ave. @ 33rd St. Suite 908
New York, NY 10001

VortexHealing? is a Divine healing art from the Merlin lineage, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body, and awaken spirit within the human heart. The Merlin lineage originated 5600 yrs. ago in India with an avatar named Mehindra. Ric Weinman is the current lineage holder. He revived the lineage in 1994 after having an experience in which he reactivated healing abilities which he had learned in two past lives in which he was initiated into the lineage.
Ric and the 4 other VortexHealing? teachers have since initiated 1000's of students from all over the world into the lineage.
Roxana Alonso (Omega level) and I (Multi Frequency/Merlin's Jewel level) will give a talk on VortexHealing? followed by an hour long group healing transmission. When we gather in groups to do healing work, the group dynamic is very powerful because the collective intention of the participants is greater than it's parts. This event falls on Full Moon in Scorpio which will impart added transformational juice to our transmission! Distant participants are welcome and must register and pay with paypal on my site. Come with clear intentions for healing, transformation, creative empowerment and spiritual awakening!
The following is copied from the vortex site -
"The philosophy of VortexHealing? is that all of life is One (One Source, One Consciousness, One Divinity), expressing Itself as this amazing experience of creation. But because we have lost the awareness of that, we have gotten caught in all kinds of issues that generate disease in our bodies and suffering in our hearts. Our basic experience of life is one of separation, of experiencing ourselves as a particular being that is essentially separate from everything else in creation and separate from the Universal Source of creation. This creates all kinds of issues and false identities that, over time (and lives), imprint or condition every level of our human system?our bodies, our minds, our emotions and even our sense of spirituality. The web of this conditioning is incredibly, almost unimaginably deep, completely distorting our experience of being human. It creates all kinds of emotional distortions and blockages in our human energy system, which generates weakness and physical disease. The intent of VortexHealing is to release this conditioning on every level it is found, returning the person to emotional balance and energetic strength, so that health prevails."
"But the goal of VortexHealing? is also much larger than this, because complete healing requires a return to wholeness. And wholeness requires a return to the awareness of what we are, an awakening out of our root experience of separation into the experience of our true being. Hence, by various means, VortexHealing is designed to create enough inner space from the webs of personal conditioning and enough self-awareness (which arises in that space), so that students (and other receivers of VortexHealing) begin to awaken out of their conditioned web of reality to the freedom and Oneness that is their true nature. Although the tools of VortexHealing are designed to generate physical and emotional health (and they do so fantastically), on a deeper level they are designed to facilitate the deepest movement of healing that is possible, which is this kind of inner awakening to our true nature." - Ric Weinman

Love & Gratitude
Geordie Numata
Reiki & Karuna Reiki Master
VortexHealing Practitioner
Counseling Astrologer
Acupuncture Detox Specialist

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