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What we’re about

Come to our Real Estate Buying & Investing Meet-up meeting to get informed on several buying and / or investment strategies. We will analyse properties on the market, look at market trends, evaluate mortgage trends, explain 1031's, foreclosures, short sales, REO's, etc. Be an informed consumer before you buy or sell real estate.

What are the financial ratio's, and how should you interpret them? First time homebuyers or sellers of single-family homes can benefit from these meetings as well as most consider their property part of their retirement. What is the rent vs. buy scenario? If you own a home now should you sell or rent it out? What are the consqeunces from that decision?

There are no tapes or books to buy, or sign up for a monthly fee. Here is where you get to truly "evaluate" your real estate broker before you transact. Where else can you do that?

I am very upfront and honest in my communications. I consider it my duty to give you my perspective. That is why you use my services. I am not necessarily telling you what you would like to hear.

NOTE: Recently, real estate agents have joined the group, and are actively soliciting potential buyers or sellers during the meetings. I am not holding these meetings to "teach" real estate agents. I will remove these people from the group.

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