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Special Guest: AWOL (After Work Origami Lovers) tomorrow Thursday

From: Sok S.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 11:58 AM
OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! NYC)!

What: AWOL (After Work Origami Lovers)

When: Thursday, March 11,[masked]:00 PM

Cosi Sandwich Bar
700 6th Ave betw 23 & 22nd
New York, NY 10010

Come AWOL with us! (After Work Origami Lovers)

We have a very special guest visiting us at this week's AWOL! Eric Gjerde the Master Origami Tessellation artist, author of the book:" Origami Tessellations: Awe-Inspiring Geometric Designs" will be here visiting and brining with him some never before seen works! So come join us and make sure to bring his book and he will be happy to autograph it for you!! and be ready to Tessellate!

His amazing website with diagrams and lots of information about Origami Tessellation is here:]

Come AWOL (After Work Origami Lovers) with us! in our small subgroup of OMG! its a lot of fun and more intimate than our once a month big meetings. A great place to learn some new models and also get help on models you're been stuck on. Bring your latest folds and creations for show and tell and your favorite models to teach and learn. We meet at the same Cosi on 6th ave between 22nd and 23rd every week. it's a great meeting spot and a perfect place to fold, after they close at around 10-10:30 we usually head a little north to Koreatown or a diner to fold some more, sometimes until really really late. (sometimes as late as 3 or 4AM) Just like late night folding at Convention! so come AWOL with us, it's a lot of fun!

hope to see you there! happy folding!!


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