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What we’re about

This Meetup is a gathering of souls who seek greater spiritual awareness, and enlightenment itself, and provides the rare opportunity to learn directly from one who lives as unconditional love. Join us for meditation, pranayama (sacred breathing technique), yoga, satsang, devotional singing, darshan (direct blessing from an enlightened Master), men's and women's healing circles, discussions and discourses, film screenings, community service, vegan meals, live teleconferences, and more! Explore practical applications of the ageless wisdom of Louix Dor Dempriey, a spiritual Master who has dedicated His life to helping people of all religions and faiths attain self-mastery and live in true inner peace, love, and joy. Please visit often, as new events are continually being added. Prema Drala Ashram is supported by the Louix Dor Dempriey Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to helping people remember and restore their inherent divinity and to walk in this world as unconditional love. For more information, visit: