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Re: [pyatl] PyCon organizers need local color help

From: Christopher J.
Sent on: Friday, September 11, 2009, 10:00 AM
I hadn't seen this before either, but just got a similar message this week from Trevor, who's helping out on sponorship for PyCon. I'm glad for the chance to brainstorm with others locally first, since the knowledge is probably fairly distributed :)

I assume someone is in touch with the CCP (ex-White Wolf) people?

How about the local Google office? (my understanding is all their sponsorships have to come through Mountain View anyway)

Apparently the AJC is all or in part run on Django. We think a local group made the site.Here's the snipit from the Djangojobs site: 7/10/2007 -- Django jobs at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution We're looking for Python developers to join our Web development group. We're looking for folks who "get the Internet", and can bring both ideas for projects and the talent to execute on them. You can e-mail me personally at [address removed] about these jobs.

Proteus TEchnologies, based in Bangkok, claims to have an Atlanta presence (on the Django developers site, though not so clear from their site):

How about Brandon Rhodes, Inc? :)

I heard interest from the Gwinnette Library system, but I don't think they have adopted yet.

You could also check


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Skylar Saveland <[address removed]> wrote:
I don't think that anyone in the group saw this before/during.? For my part I can go harass the KSU CS/math people.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Doug Hellmann <[address removed]> wrote:
The PyCon Organizing committee needs some information from us locals. It would be great if the group could spend a few minutes brainstorming on this tonight.

1. We need a list of local potential sponsors, of any size. ?Corporations who use Python in any way or who have products for whom PyCon members may be consumers (think advertising).

2. Local organizations where we can find more people to attend the conference or even help out with organizing it. ?Examples include local computer clubs of other sorts (more general like Linux user groups, or more specific like the Plone user group)

3. University, high school, or government groups that might send attendees.

4. Restaurants around the conference venue, or other parts of town. ?I think we started a list like this at one point, didn't we?

5. Sight-seeing destinations in town. ?This would especially include day trips or places within cab/MARTA distance of the venue.

Please think about these questions this afternoon, and put a list together at the meeting tonight (I wish I could be there to collate) ?and email the results back to me (or directly to the organizers list).


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