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three talks lined up tonight for Python Atlanta!

From: Brandon R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 10:29 AM
Well, it's that time of month again: Python Atlanta is tonight!


As usual, email me if you're going to show up at the Westside Figo for
dinner at 6pm so that I can save you a seat.  Otherwise, I'll see you at
the GTRI building at 7:30pm.

It's exciting that tonight we will have *three* talks of various lengths
being given, in addition to a short introductory segment that I will do,
to introduce Python to newcomers, on a client that I just wrote to
automatically tweet for me on a schedule.

I should add a "don't be afraid!" warning for those of you who don't
currently do web apps with Python, or don't use Django explicitly: I
think that all three talks tonight address technologies (like Excel and
Gearman) that you can use in other applications too.  Think of the
preponderance of Django talks tonight as Python Atlanta's warm welcome
to the new "Atlanta Django Developers" group that met on Tuesday.

Our talks are:

   Keyton Weissinger: "Adding Microsoft Excel-based Export and Import to
                       Django App"

   This talk should be fun, and will give you a feeling for what it's
   like when you want Python to talk to another application in your
   collection of tools.

   Zellyn Hunter: "Django at the Atlanta-Journal Constitution"

   When Zellyn first dropped by our meeting, a few months ago, people
   were interested to hear that the Journal was using *both* Django and
   Ruby on Rails for its collection of web applications.  Well, now we
   get to put Zellyn in the spotlight, hear about what the Journal has
   been doing with each framework, and ask him questions about their

   Chris Heisel: "A short introduction to Django and Gearman"

   Gearman isn't Django-specific; it's a general tool for running jobs
   or tasks that your program wants to start running but doesn't want to
   make the user wait for right now.  This is the same lightning talk
   that Chris just gave at DjangoCon 2009, so you'll be experiencing a
   little slice of a recent conference as you listen!

I look forward to seeing everyone tonight.  This time I have cleaned old
talks off the A/V laptop first, so it won't cut out in the middle of
recording talks, so I should have a good recording of each talk to put
up on when our meeting is over.  See you there!

Brandon Craig Rhodes   [address removed]   https://rhodesmill...­

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