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What we’re about

The Ragged University is where people come together to share their knowledge and skills in social spaces like pubs, cafes and libraries. Inspired by the Ragged Schools movement, we seek to communicate what we have invested our time in so to enrich each others lives.

Having run since 2010, collectively as a group of individuals, we have put on hundreds of events covering many different subject areas and art forms. Come along, try it out - it is free, it belongs to you, it is about learning something new and sharing what makes you tick.

Please check out the website for a deeper insight into the project. We are trying to grow as a collective and as people interested in other people. Behind the public events lies long range research into how we can develop free and open education possibilities, and research contributions to academic areas

Drop us an email or come along to a talk or event, write an article or be involved in research... Good things come of it :)