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New Meetup: Book fair then Lunch

From: Kimberly S
Sent on: Friday, October 22, 2010, 12:15 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater Raleigh Japanese Language and Culture Meetup Group!

What: Book fair then Lunch

When: Saturday, November 13,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Japanese Language School (Our Lady of Lourdes School Cafeteria)
2710 Overbrook Drive
Raleigh, NC 27608

Let's check out the Japanese book fair and then go out to lunch! We can compare our new items we just bought and chat!

Book fair details:
All books will be 50 cents a piece and all CD and DVDs will be $1 a piece. Please come prepared with quarters!

Items include Japanese schoolbooks, novels, cartoons, magazines, and more! No English items.

Plan to depart the book fair by 12pm. Please offer suggestions for lunch location.

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