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Membership Drive - Upper90 will b Saturday @ Quinn's - Real Madrid vs Betis @ 4:30 pm

From: Elena P.
Sent on: Thursday, August 27, 2015, 11:10 AM

Hola Madridistas!

Do you want to become an official member and have not signed up online at Upper90 yet? 

No problem! Saturday is your chance to do so in person and enjoy our first home game of the Season! We have asked Upper90 to be at Quinns this Saturday to handle new memberships and renewals in person as a courtesy to our group. They have offered us great help by handling our merchandise and memberships online and now they will be at Quinns in person this Saturday to sign up new members/renewals and hand out membership goodies as a one time only event. Take advantage of it and make it a special event to come and enjoy the first home game of the Season!

See event details below for information about the benefits of becoming a members. And if you cannot come this Saturday, you can sign-up online per the info below:

Then Saturday's first home game is your best chance to become a member of the best Madridista club in the USA...and New York, of course!

BTW, this is not how it's how it ends! We lost 2 points last week, but hey, this is just the beginning, and we all know...Hasta el Final, Vamos Real!

Hala Madrid!

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