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Heather Holland added a post

From: Heather H.
Sent on: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 2:37 PM
Welcome newcomers and hello to all! We had a great time in Los Gatos last Saturday night at our "Celebration in the Park" Drum Circle. There were about 50 happy souls drumming, shaking, rattling, chanting, laughing and smiling. There are two more opportunities to drum coming up next weekend. In support of the Los Gatos Yoga Center and their goal of revitalizing their space, there will be a fund-raising drum circle/native american ceremonial drum journey this coming Friday at the Yoga Center in Los Gatos. This will be an indoor event and requested donation is based on a sliding scale of what is comfortable to give: $15 - $50. There is limited space, so hurry and reserve your tickets! On Sunday, the 17th, I will be hosting a meeting of Bay Area Drum Circle Facilitators and then we will open it up for a Community Drum Circle. Check the calendar for further details about each of these events. Boom-boom-tap a tap, over and out! (try that phrase on your drum !)