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Re: [ronpaul-50] In Service to Ron Paul

From: Randal M.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 3:37 PM

I would be interested in this, and I have a solid technology background. I was Dell Computer's designer/multimedia specialist in their golden era in the 90s. Plus I vend technology assets and intellectual property dealing with emerging technologies, what I do here among other things.  No one could blow smoke up me, and I could evalute their assets in reference to Ron Paul's grassroot-type campaign model.

I'll talk to you tonight about it.


On 5/15/07, Avery J. Knapp Jr. <[address removed] > wrote:

A special announcement from Avery J. Knapp Jr., Organizer of Manhattan+ Young Persons Ron Paul 2008 Action Group NYC

There is an eCampaign technology conference in NYC this Friday May 18, and I need someone to attend. Trust me, you won't want to miss this. It sounds lame but even if you're not interested, talk to me if you're free Friday. Trust me.

We need someone to take notes on the newest campaign technologies. You could make a MAJOR contribution to Dr. Paul's campaign this way. I can tell you how soon.

This message was sent by Avery J. Knapp Jr. (member profile: ) from Manhattan+ Young Persons Ron Paul 2008 Action Group NYC.

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