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March Tomorrow!

From: Andrew R.
Sent on: Friday, July 11, 2008, 10:56 AM

Tonight and tomorrow many of us will be traveling to Washington D.C. to oppose the grievous institutions and policies of our increasingly dangerous, coercive and militant federal government. This week the Senate passed the FISA Amendments Act and it seems that there is bipartisan collusion occurring on Capital Hill, the object of which is the violation of our natural rights as free persons and the establishment of perpetual World War.

This loathsome government is set to send us on a path toward war with Iran. Our empire is crumbling, our national defense is weakening, our rights legislated into extinction, but ever do the pipers of both parties sell us the notion that the price of peace is war and the price of security: our freedom.

The militarization of our republic and the continued violation of our rights undermines the vision of a free society the founding generation regarded as wholly necessary for the protection of all free persons against tyranny. And it is important to remember that not only were they contemptuous of monarchical despotism, but also the iron grip of collectivism and mob rule. For it is not only kings who may trample upon the rights of man, but also a political elite from whose hearts a regard for human liberty has been stolen, bought or destroyed.

That it why I suggest that we as New Yorkers march together tomorrow in a show of unity for our home. We will show our fellow patriots and the tyrants among us that we are many, we are outraged and we our united in our cause. It is now more important than ever that we no longer toil and remain enslaved in the menial and tedious tasks of everyday life. It is now that we must stand and remain standing, defy and remain defiant, and TOGETHER work tirelessly to protect our homes, our families and our lives.

Our liberties are at stake and our rights hang in the balance. Will you now rise and meet evil, or will you remain in a state of inaction and frustration? The Campaign for Liberty has begun; it is time to make this revolution your own.

If you would like to join fellow New Yorkers in DC during the march and at the rally, please give me a call at[masked].
