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Meetup Cancelled: Thursday Evening Hill Repeats or whatever floats your boat!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 11:42 PM

Hey everyone!  I have decided to cancel my Wednesday and Thursday evening scheduled meet-ups as I have started a new job working the night shift and the work schedule will be fluctuating quite a bit for me from week to week.  I will occasionally add back in on the schedule meetup times and locations that work around my new work schedule, so keep checking the calender for add-ons!  If anyone would like to have a running buddy, please feel free to contact me privately through FACEBOOK.  I am listed under my full name and I am easy to find because of the unique spelling of my first name.  I am still actively training and doing long runs regularly in preparation for the PF Chang Rock N' Roll Marathon, so I would be glad to meet up with anyone wanting to do long runs as well!  Take care all!  Kim