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New Meetup: Yakiniku Tabehoudai and Karaoke

From: Norio
Sent on: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 10:22 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sacramento Japanese Language Meetup!

What: Yakiniku Tabehoudai and Karaoke

When: Friday, May 28,[masked]:00 PM

OZ Korean BBQ
3343 Bradshaw Rd
Sacramento, CA 95817

Yakiniku is the Japanese word for Korean BBQ - thin sliced, marinated meats, cooked on a tabletop grill. Tabehoudai means "all you can eat." It's time for us to go back to Oz Korean BBQ, where you can get Yakiniku Tabehoudai for under $20.00! A great deal for carnivores. For the saisoku shugisha (vegetarians), they have a few veg items. For everyone else, the tabehoudai is highly recommended!

After we can't eat any more delicious, grilled meats, we'll head over to RuruLala, probably the only place in Sac to offer karaoke in a "Karaoke Box" (private room) setting. They cater to a Korean crowd, but have a decent selection of English and Japanese songs. Utaimashou!

9721 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA[masked]

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