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New Meetup: Great Meadows (Concord Section)

From: Mark
Sent on: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 6:40 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for suburban naturalists!

What: Great Meadows (Concord Section)

When: Sunday, July 25,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Great Meadows NWR - Concord Division
Monsen Road
Concord, MA 01742

As we approach mid-summer it is a great time to visit meadows to observe meadow wildflowers and wildlife. As such, we propose to visit the Great Meadows wildlife refuge in Concord, MA.

The Concord Unit of the Great Meadows' refuge (not to be confused with the Subury branch) is considered to be one of the best inland birding areas in the state. Visitors can hike the nature trails and observe, photograph, and study wildlife and plants.

This original 250-acre area that belonged to Samuel Hoar is still known as the ?Great Meadows,? and
is open to visitors. Several trails are available for wildlife observation, including the Dike Trail, a 2.7-mile loop around one of the marsh pools. Trailside interpretive signs and an observation tower provide visitors with additional views and information about the refuge, its management, and its wildlife.

Since this is an open space bring sun protection and water. Also don't forget wildflower guide books if you have any.


Travel to this area by following Route 62 east from Concord Center toward Bedford. After about one mile, turn left onto Monsen Road. Continue on Monsen Road until you see the refuge entrance on your left.

I can offer carpool space in my car for two people. Pick up can be made at either the Riverside T stop on the Green Line or at Charles River Watershed parking lot at the West side of the Charles River at the junction of RT 30 and Rt 128. Pick up time must be no later than 11:30am or earlier than 11:OO am.

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