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Re: [knitting-48] *extra* Wednesdays?

From: Mary, a.k.a: s.
Sent on: Friday, January 8, 2010, 10:28 PM
I totally applaud and endorse this idea. Marcia, thank you so much for taking the initiative to expand the knitting fun. I'd be really interested to find out if Williw Glen works for members
Also - I can join in 2nd Wednesday next week and possibly in February

I love seeing this group spawn more knitting connections. Go go go!
Happy knitting
-spinnity / mary / organizer

On Jan 8, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Marcia K M  <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello Knittahs! 

I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in expanding our schedule to include additional Wednesdays? 

work travel schedule is not cooperating with 1st & 3rd Wednesdays
for a little while, so I am suggesting a 2nd Wednesday addition. Anyone
interested? I don't want to create any more work for our organizers, so
I'll scope out a place - I'm thinking in Willow Glen, maybe Monsieur
Beans or Starbucks? Or maybe Aqui so's we can have MARGARITAS instead
of coffee (although they close at 9pm like everyone else!)? Once I get
an idea of how many people are interested, I'll investigate places for
us to meet! 



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