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RE: [php-49] Re: PHP IDEs

From: Jennifer T.
Sent on: Friday, September 11, 2009, 9:13 AM
I agree with the vi/vim comment!  But if you're not a linux/unix person then cmd line can take some getting use to.  The flip side is if you are a cmd person then sometimes the gui of an ide gets in the way.  I use Zend studio (as I mentioned) and really like it when I'm doing stuff from the ground up BUT if I am just editing I too use vi/vim.


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [php-49] Re: PHP IDEs
Date: Fri, 11 Sep[masked]:11:02 -0400

For a beginner an IDE can be a good thing, I guess (they were not available when I was a beginner).  I understand the need to pursue that.  Just FYI, I use Linux with an x-window terminal, vim, svn, git, cvs, man, and a browser (documentation: php, jQuery, etc.).  It isn't integrated, but it is highly effective.

I have tried IDEs and other editors.  For me, nothing beats vi, actually vim, for power, speed, and cross-environment portability.

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