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Re: [php-49] Javascript has me by the hook

From: max s.
Sent on: Thursday, July 14, 2016, 3:14 PM
Thank you Bob - I had to fiddle with it just a bit, mostly i had to remove everything i did and bring the script back to the starting point, then applied what you suggested and its now a very spiffy little ui effect. Thank you very much for the help.


On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Pedro <[address removed]> wrote:
Thank you Bob,

I will try that. I'm still just a php hobbist and only now pushing into all this other stuff which is very interesting but really confusing at times.
Again Thank you for the suggestion.
- M

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Bob Albert <[address removed]> wrote:
Looks like jQuery's one() function only binds once.
"The .one() method is identical to .on(), except that the handler for a given element and event type is unbound after its first invocation. For example:"

You might try changing the one() to an .on()?? Doing that in the codepen example and adding a second text box they both expand.

Good Luck,

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 9:11 AM, max steinmetz <[address removed]> wrote:
I’ve attempted and reattempted  to implement a javascript which i found here at codepen. The script will allow textures to enlarge as people write and I want to apply it to a form that has several text areas but i’ am only able to get it to work on the first. Javascript is still a very very confusing thing to me, i’m trying to get the child text wraps of my form to share a common behavior of auto expand but i’m not doing it correctly.  Its something to do with the hook/event listener i think?

I’ve attached a copy of the file i am working on.

help/guideance is always appreciated


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cheers and thank you

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