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Meredith added a post

From: user 8.
Sent on: Friday, July 9, 2010, 4:19 PM
Be on TV!!

My name is Jaime Berg and I work for King5's New Day Northwest. I'm contacting you to see if you, and your group members, would be interested in being a part of our LIVE studio
audience. The invitation is open for any day that we are taping, but on July 12th we are having a segment on our show about 'travelling with your dog.' It would be a great opportunity for an activity for your group.

New Day NW is hosted by Margaret Larson and covers topicsvarying from food, relationships, pets, families, etc. We like
to have audience members here by 9:30 AM and they are done by 11:30. We'd love to have you and your group members as our

If anyone in your group is interested please have them contact me at [address removed] and I can reserve some seats for you!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Jaime Berg

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