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Exploring the Nature of Change -Fri, Apr 27, 6-9 PM

From: Joel E. (.
Sent on: Sunday, April 15, 2012, 2:44 AM

Exploring the Nature of Change
with Melissa Tiers & Charlie Badenhop

April 27, 6-9PM
Location kindly hosted by Shawn & Sarah Carson

The International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis

545 8th Ave, Suite 930 (between 37th and 38th on the 9th floor) Visit their website:

Have you ever wondered why you can sometimes easily change your behavior and emotional state,
While at other times you wind up stuck in the same old pattern?

What is the key to making the life changes you truly desire?

For one evening only, Charlie Badenhop and Melissa Tiers, will show you how effortless change can be when you tap into the life affirming resources you already possess.

The night will be filled with demonstrations, conversations, revelations, and laughter,
As these two perpetual students of the unconscious mind share their insights and experience.
This is multi-level change work at it's best!

You'll learn:

  • The unconscious structure of change
  • How to utilize the BodyMind, and non-verbal communication
  • Self-directed neuroplasticity (A complicated term we will make easy to understand!)
  • Conscious/unconscious congruency
  • Internal metaphors of mind

And whatever else comes up along the way!

Charlie will be teaching a special two day workshop for coaches on May 5, 6. - BodyMind Coaching
Learn simple, elegant tools to make yourself a more effective coach

Melissa Tiers is the author of the award winning book “Integrative Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Course in Change.” Founder of The
Center for Integrative Hypnosis, she maintains a private practice in New York City while teaching classes in Integrative Hypnosis, In
Depth NLP, Energy Psychology and Mental Health Coaching. Melissa has doctoral degrees in both clinical hypnosis and alternative
healing; she is an adjunct faculty member of The Open Center and the Tri-State College of Acupuncture.

Melissa's new book "The Anti-Anxiety Toolkit: Rapid techniques to rewire the brain" is now available on

If you would like to learn more about Melissa’s training schedule or would like to sponsor a workshop, go to

Charlie Badenhop is the originator of Seishindo- A human potential discipline based on the MindBody principles of Aikido, Noguchi Sei Tai, Self-relations Therapy, NLP, and Ericksonian Hypnosis. He is a certified trainer in NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis, and a 4th dan instructor of "Ki Aikido". He is also the author of the highly acclaimed book "Pure Heart Simple Mind- Wisdom stories from a life in Japan".
You can find out more about his work by going to

Pricing info:
$20 sign-up via our Paypal button just below.




Also Join Charlie for 2 Other Evening Presentations in NYC


Event Sponsored by Sharing Wisdom Holistic Center


We Hope You Can Join Us


Joel Elfman - C.H., NLP-Tr, LMT - Hypnosis/NLP, Coaching, Massage/Bodywork

TranceForming Changes

You are More Powerful than Your Problems

Transform Stress * Gain Confidence * Lose Weight * Change Habits for Life, [address removed]


Anson Mau, C.H. - Hypnosis, NLP, Trance Technology Consultant


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