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From: jc (Jonathan C.
Sent on: Thursday, April 14, 2016, 2:54 PM

-- all sensemakers :: for some reason Jan willem's email to the group did not get to all of you so I am forwarding it from the group organizer account.  If you did get it , sorry for the double :-) --

Hi everyone,

We have some exciting news to share. After a successful beta-period, we're ready to present our final version of the LoRaONE.

We've chosen Kickstarter as our platform to get the production going, and the project just went life. So what's LoRaONE?

Some of you may be familiar with our Arduino compatible development boards. They are small and versatile. But LoRaONE is smaller and more versatile than anything we've ever made.  We've literally packed it with sensors. Besides the LoRa connectivity, there's a smart and fast U-Blox GPS module. An accelerometer and magnetometer. It can easily be turned into a wearable, thanks to the push button and RGB LED. And it is easy to expand the board with other sensors or devices. LoRaONE is the one IoT development board to rule them all.

We had a small batch of LoRaONE's for betatests, and response has been great. Now it's time to take the next step. We're really excited about this product and can't wait to see what applications you are going to develop. Take a peek at our Kickstarterpage for more info, and if you're quick there might be some 'Early Bird' rewards left, which gives a nice discount.

Hope you like it, if you have any questions, let me know! 


Jan Willem Smeenk SODAQ
[address removed]