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Re: [php-139] Hack Lang meetup? Or Hack Lang learning tracks?

From: Davey S.
Sent on: Sunday, August 10, 2014, 12:03 PM
Hi Karen,

Hack is really just barely starting to gain any sort of traction - and HHVM as PHP replacement a little more so.

I think that as the latter becomes more dominant the former will follow as people already trust the runtime.

This will be a slow slow process.

I can definitely say that my blog posts on the Engine Yard blog are still seeing lots of interest (the last part was published last week), and conversations are common at conferences.

If you do start a meetup I am in the area again in October for ZendCon and would love the opportunity to speak on hhvm and hacklang - let me know if you are interested and I will send on the talk abstract :)

- Davey

> On Aug 9, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Karen <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi all-
> I've been hoping since Facebook had its first Hack Developer Day a few
> months ago, that a meetup would surely follow.  That way I could learn
> the language and see presentations, etc. But since FB eagerly
> announcing its new language, it's really been kind of quiet on that
> front. Is interest waning in Hack?  Is there a secret society that
> everyone knows about except for me?  What gives?  I have asked the FB
> engineers, but received no reply.  I'm willing to host a Hack Lang
> meetup at my company (my incubator is here in SF down by the
> Embacadero).  Is there interest or has everyone just moved on since
> the Hack Lang announcement?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> karen
> --
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