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Have you ever wanted to build your own install packages for Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint? Now is you chance to learn how.

Students will be eased into the Debian DPKG packaging system. Instructor Joseph Mills will be starting out with a small bash program with no dependencies and show us how to package it into a .deb file. Once we've completed that, we'll move on to more advanced packaging. After the simple packaging of the C++ and bash program are done. We'll start talking about signing the packages and how to uploade them to ubuntu and debian linux mint. After this is done we will start talking about packaging for a internal case use. Creating our own repositories and builders with checkers, mailers and all sorts of extra features.

Students will need the following items for the class:

  • A linux box(or vm) that runs some sorta debian based distro. (I will provide a script to apt-get all the packages that are needed in order to make a package.)

  • If it is a VM I would say that 2 gigs of ram

  • students will need to have a couple of gigs of extra hard drive space. This i due to the nature of schroot, buildd ect.

  • If students would like to make their own auto builders with a front-end based on jQuery html5 ect. I would suggest doubling the amount of ram and disk space. Here is a video of the last auto package manager that I wrote. .

  • git to download the programs that we will package up.

Photo of Software Freedom School in Denver group
Software Freedom School in Denver
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Englewood Public Library - Anderson Room
1000 Englewood Pkwy · Englewood, CO