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RE: [spanish-37] Spanish Lessons

From: Mabi
Sent on: Thursday, November 22, 2007, 9:38 PM

Hi Sarah!,
I am Mabi from Peru and I am a Spanish Teacher, the lessons are held on Griffith Uni Nathan Campus, the cost per hour is AUS 20 and the days available are:
Tuesdays, Thrusdays, Fridays (from 6 to 10)
Saturdays from 10 am
For further information please do not hesitate to contact me


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [spanish-37] Spanish Lessons
Date: Wed, 21 Nov[masked]:59:14 -0500

Hi, my name is Sarah. I'm looking for a teacher for spanish lessons. I have previously lived in Xela in Guatemala for a few months learning spanish and don't want to lose it. I have also visited Mexico a few times. Can you suggest anyone who may be interested in teaching?
 I live near Cleveland and Capalaba and I work near Clayfield on the northside.
Kind Regards,

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